The Hard Truth: Trading Doesn’t Make You Wealthy, Owning Valuable Assets Does

In today’s world, with flourishing financial markets and uncertain economic conditions, many individuals aspire to become successful traders in the hope of achieving their desired income levels. However, Niklas Göke, a prominent economic writer on Medium, argues in his recent article that trading alone cannot make people wealthy. In this article, we will explore Göke’s perspective and the idea that true wealth comes not from trading, but from owning valuable assets.

The Tale of Carter Thomas: A Wise Investment

“Never sell,” a piece of advice Carter Thomas wishes he had followed 20 years earlier.

In 2003, Carter invested all the money he had saved from his summer job as a lifeguard into Apple’s stock. At that time, his entire capital amounted to a modest $18,000, a seemingly prudent decision.

However, what set Carter apart from the majority of traders was his unwavering conviction in holding his investments for the long term. He did not fall into the common trader’s trap of cashing out after just a couple of months to splurge on unnecessary expenses or luxury items.

After a series of stock splits and price increases, the value of Carter’s Apple stock today exceeds $10 million.

The Wisdom of Long-Term Asset Ownership:

Carter Thomas’s story illustrates a fundamental financial truth – the path to wealth is paved with prudent, long-term asset ownership, not rapid trading. Here are some key takeaways from this story:

  1. Long-Term Thinking: Wealthy individuals often make strategic investment decisions with a long-term horizon. They understand that asset values can appreciate significantly over time.
  2. Diversification: Rather than constantly trading and risking losses, owning a diversified portfolio of valuable assets can reduce risk and increase the potential for growth.
  3. Avoiding Emotional Traps: Emotional decision-making, common in the world of trading, can lead to impulsive actions that harm financial prospects. By adopting a buy-and-hold strategy, individuals can sidestep such emotional pitfalls.
  4. Compound Growth: Holding valuable assets for extended periods allows for the magic of compound growth to take effect, potentially turning a modest investment into substantial wealth.


In a world where financial markets can be both enticing and unpredictable, the story of Carter Thomas serves as a powerful reminder that trading is not a guaranteed path to wealth. Instead, the real key to financial prosperity lies in the ownership of valuable assets and the wisdom to keep them for the long term. By adopting a strategic, patient, and diversified approach to investment, individuals can position themselves for the kind of wealth that trading alone can rarely provide. So, remember Carter’s tale, and think twice before making hasty decisions in the fast-paced world of trading. True riches may come to those who patiently invest in valuable assets and let time work its magic.


The Power of Compound Interest:

One of the most remarkable aspects of Carter Thomas’s success story is the impact of compound interest. Compound interest allows your investments to generate earnings, which are then reinvested to generate even more earnings. Over time, this snowball effect can lead to exponential growth. It’s a phenomenon that only occurs when you maintain a long-term approach to investing.

By continuously reinvesting dividends, returns, or profits back into your assets, you can watch your wealth steadily grow. This slow and steady approach may not provide immediate gratification, but it has the potential to bring substantial rewards down the road.

Embracing the Principles of Wealth Building:

  1. Educate Yourself: Whether you’re interested in stocks, real estate, or other investment avenues, knowledge is power. Continuous learning can help you make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the financial world.
  2. Financial Discipline: Carter’s decision not to squander his gains on short-term pleasures underscores the importance of financial discipline. Prioritizing your long-term financial goals over immediate gratification is a key principle of building wealth.
  3. Diversification: Diversifying your investments across different asset classes can reduce risk and enhance the potential for long-term growth. This strategy can help shield your wealth from market volatility.
  4. Patience and Perseverance: Building wealth is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires patience, perseverance, and the discipline to stay the course, even when market conditions are less than favorable.


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